Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Update Notice 11th September 2019

Updated on Wednesday, 11th September 2019 at 12:00.
* A forced update is scheduled around 12:00 on Friday, 13th September 2019.
The bugs corrected are as follows.

~ Fixed bugs ~

  • When you select “Receive All” in the mission, you may not receive the “Daily Jewel Pack” mission reward.
  • Even if you check “Don't display until maximum experience value is updated” in the quest skip result dialog, the dialog will be displayed again.
  • In the glossary, the screen does not display properly under certain conditions.
  • When a character equipped with enhanced equipment items is ranked up, the number of returned "refining stones", "upper refining stones", and "refining crystals" will not be reflected in the number of possessions immediately after the rank increase.
    * This bug is for display only. We have confirmed that the actual number of possessions reflects the correct number.

~ Currently confirmed bugs ~

11th September, 2019 (Wednesday) After 12:00, we have confirmed that the DMM GAMES version cannot start the game after updating.
This bug may be improved by selecting "Princess Connect! Re: Dive" from DMM GAME PLAYER, clicking [Details], and performing a "Game File Consistency Check" in the screen. .
* If the situation does not improve, please try the “Game File Consistency Check” again after a while.

You can see tutorial how to fix this error here.

~ Notes ~

It may take some time for the update information to be reflected in the store.
Also, updating may not be possible due to the accumulation of temporarily stored data in the terminal.
If you cannot update, turn off the device, wait for 1-2 minutes, and then start the device and update from the store again.

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