Monday, September 16, 2019

New Character "Chloe" Appears !

New character “Chloe” appeared from Pickup Gacha and Platinum Gacha!
Pickup gacha will increase the ratio of “Chloe”.

~ Pickup gacha holding period ~

Monday, 16th September 2019 15:00 - Sunday, 29th September 2019 11:59. (Japan Time)

~ Notes ~

  1. “Chloe” may continue to appear from Platinum Gacha after the Pickup Gacha period.
  2. “Chloe” may appear from the start dash gacha.
    * The characters that appear from the start dash gacha are the same characters that appear from the gacha that was held on the date and time the game was started.
  3. To check the ratio of pickup gacha, platinum gacha, and start dash gacha, select [Details] from [Gacha] in the footer menu, and check the distribution ratio tab.
  4. If you use the gacha after 15:00 on September 16, 2019 (Monday) while accessing the gacha page, an error may occur.
    The above is an error that occurs when gacha is used when gacha is updated. Jewels are not consumed.
  5. Pickup gacha, platinum gacha, start dash gacha period and gacha content are subject to change without notice.
  6. The title of [St. Teresa Girls Academy (Nakayoshi Club)] will be added in the future.

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