Friday, April 19, 2019

New Character "Grea" Appeared !!

New characters "Grea" appeared from pick-up and platinum gacha!
In the pickup gacha, the ratio of "Grea" is increased.

~ Pickup gacha holding period ~

19 April 2019 (Friday) 15:00 - 30 April 2019 (Tuesday) 11:59. (Japan Time)

In addition, in some characters, the effect when it appeared from Gacha, and the effect of My Page when set in "My Page Setting" has been changed.
The characters whose production has been changed are as follows.

・ A character that changed the direction of Gacha and my page
※ For other characters, we plan to change them one by one.
※ The change of the production is done automatically. It can not be restored to the state before the change.

For characters that have already been friends, you can view the effects when they appear from Gacha according to the following procedure.
1. Tap [Menu] on the footer menu.
2. Tap [Album].
3. Tap [Character picture book].
4. Tap the character you want to view.
5. Tap Remember me.
6. Tap [Release effect 1]. The production is played back.

~ Notes ~

1. "Grea" may continue to emerge from Platinum gachas even after the pick-up gacha is over.
2. "Grea" may appear from the start dash gacha.
* The characters appearing from the start dash gacha are identical to the characters appearing from the gacha held at the date and time the game was started.
3. Please confirm the offer ratio of the pickup gacha, the platinum gacha, and the start dash gacha from [Gacha] of the footer menu, then [Details], and from the [Provision ratio] tab.
4. 19 April 2019 (Friday) If you access the Gacha Page from 14:59 or earlier and you use the Gacha after 15:00, an error may occur.
The above is an error that occurs when you use the gacha at the time of updating the gacha. Jewel does not consume.
5. Pickup, Platinum, Start Dash Gacha holding period and contents of Gacha are subject to change without notice.

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